(402) 614-4201

Why so few upper cervical chiropractors in Omaha, NE

Why are there so few upper cervical chiropractors in Omaha, NE? Many upper cervical chiropractic patients have powerful healing stories. In some cases, these patients have such a profound transformation that they cannot understand why they didn’t hear about...

Fibromyalgia options in Omaha, NE

Not many fibromyalgia patients know that they have more than one option in chiropractic care. NUCCA Upper cervical chiropractic care is gentle, logical, and often helps those with fibro pain heal in ways that they have not experienced with medications, physical...

Is your chronic pain lying to you?

Your pain is in your hip. Is it arthritis? You have sinus headaches. Is it a sinus infection? Your shoulder hurts. Could it be a rotator cuff injury? It’s reasonable to think that your problem is where the pain is. After all, that’s how everyone thinks...

50 simple ways to lose your upper cervical alignment

In a perfect world, none of us would have been born by forceps, or by Cesarian, or with the doctor pulling with too much force on our heads. In a perfect world, none of us would have fallen off the side of the bed when we were 2, tripped down the stairs at age eight,...
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