(402) 614-4201

Is Omaha, NE drug dependent?

Does America have a problem with drug dependence? And how can upper cervical chiropractic care help? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Approximately 50% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug. 1 out of 6 are on at least three...

Four stories about upper cervical chiropractic

It’s going to take decades and hundreds of millions of dollars to complete some of the basic research that the health care community says they require for upper cervical chiropractic to be taken seriously by “the experts”. And believe me, there are...

Why does my neck hurt

Now that you don’t believe in the biggest myth about neck pain, that it’s simply caused by arthritis, the big question remains: why does the neck hurt? The common source of neck pain that almost any spine expert would agree with is this: pain comes from...

The biggest myth about neck pain

Why does my neck hurt? For those dealing with neck pain, it can be an annoying question with few real answers and a few wrong ones. And there’s one big myth out there that keeps a lot of people in pain. What is that myth? The biggest neck pain myth””I’ve...

Neck pain or cranio-cervical syndrome in Omaha

When someone says neck problems, the first things that usually comes to mind are neck pain and stiffness. Do a search on Google about neck conditions, and you’re going to find results about neck injuries and neck pain. A lot of results! No doubt many people are...

Chiropractic isn’t for back pain?

What is the biggest chiropractic myth? That chiropractic is for back pain. Wait–isn’t chiropractic care for back pain? And aren’t chiropractors quite effective at helping people with back problems. Well, no. And yes. Let’s see why by taking a...
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